finance is the goal
Financial advisory
services to companies
ESG strategy and
financial advisory

finance is the goal

We are a financial advisory firm that supports clients in obtaining funding for their projects.

Financial advisory
services to companies

Advisory services aimed at financing companies and their projects.

ESG strategy and
financial advisory

To companies and banks in the transition to a sustainable financing paradigm.


Supporting companies and banks in the transition to a sustainable finance paradigm

We are an independent advisory firm providing financial advisory services to companies throughout the entire lifecycle of projects and funding.

We believe that companies and financing entities are aligned in terms of sustainability requirements, and we strive to create a common language and a shared standard.

We work alongside our clients, supporting them in structuring, analysing feasibility, raising funding, assessing and managing risk.

About About

We seek to generate impact on the lives of our clients and combine growth with sustainability

We help banks and companies to speak the same language. We help our clients to grow sustainably and position themselves in the market.

At SFgo we believe that sustainability is a condition of existence. Our aim is to work alongside companies and banks towards a sustainable financing paradigm.

Joana Carvalho
Managing Partner, SFgo

We are committed to advise our clients in the decision-making process, developing analysis and tools that allow them to assess the sustainability of their businesses and projects.

Sofia Matos
Director, SFgo

What drives us

Building a common language between companies and banks.

We are driven by the mission of creating a common language between companies and banks, facilitating the transition to the irreversible paradigm of sustainability.